Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas and Jungheinrich will expand their joint venture for mobile automation solutions in North America, launching a company called Rocrich AGV Solutions, the partners said today.
The name “Rocrich” combines both the brand names and the product catalogs of the Rocla and Jungheinrich automated guided vehicle (AGV) portfolios in the North American market. According to the partners, the combined product and service portfolios of Jungheinrich and Rocla will enable Rocrich to cover all major customer use cases, from standard to special purpose AGVs and automated forklifts. Ladle Transport Car

Logisnext and Jungheinrich have already been collaborating in a long-standing and proven partnership for over 15 years in North America, including a joint venture company offering Jungheinrich AGV solutions – MCJ Supply Chain Solutions LLC. In order to capture a significant portion of the projected growth in the North American material handling automation market, Rocrich will combine the AGV portfolios of Logisnext’s Rocla brand and that of Jungheinrich within the existing MCJ joint venture.
Both Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas and Jungheinrich will hold equal shares in the new company, which will be headquartered in Houston, Texas, with additional operations in Marengo, Illinois. Brian Spradlin, who is currently president of MCJ, will continue his role in the expanded joint venture and serve as president of Rocrich.

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